Logo & Branding
To download The Fluffy Jackets logo, you may right-hand click the above logo (image) and select "save as" for a Low Resolution version (770x85px) or Click Here for a High Resolution Version (2800x300px). The logo may also be recreated (inside Adobe Photoshop, or any similar image editing suites) using font-type: "ERAS Bold ITC".
The Fluffy Jackets logo is written in Black color - Eras Bold font - and should ideally appear on top of the orange HEX color: FF7D01 or RGB color 255-125-1. Alternatively, the logo can equally be written on the same orange color font on top of a black background. If the orange color is not available, the black logo should then appear on top of a white background. Other text - for website, news, PR and other should be written in Arial font with Arial Bold font for headlines. The Fluffy jackets logo can be downloaded from the Fluffy Jackets website: www.fluffyjackets.co.uk
ADVERT: The Fluffy Jackets' The Rise And Fall Of The Songwriter' album advert (half A4) High-Res. PDF (Width: 228mm x Height: 154mm) w/ 6mm bleed marks
If you want to feature an infomercial in your magazine, we have created a half page graphic, which measures 238mm by 154mm plus 3mm bleed on all edges.
ADVERT: The Fluffy Jackets' Something from Nothing' album advert (half A4) High-Res. PDF (210mm x 148mm) w/ 3mm bleed marks
If you want to feature an infomercial in your magazine, we have created a half page graphic, which measures 210mm by 148mm plus 3mm bleed on all edges. Please click on the jpg image below (lores) to view the PDF document (hires) graphic artwork. The artwork shows: The Fluffy Jackets feat. Manny Charlton / "Something from Nothing" (2019 album release).
The Fluffy Jackets' Blues Rock Logo incl. YouTube Channel QR code
If you want to feature The Fluffy Jackets and help us promote our brand, you can use the below artwork on your products free of charge. The QR code links to The Fluffy Jackets Official YouTube Channel, where fans can see the very latest music videos from the band. Click the image below for a high resolution version of the image:
The Fluffy Jackets Blues Rock logo design, ft QR code (YouTube subscribe link).
Design is 3000x3000 pixels, 300dpi. Suitable for T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs
The Fluffy Jackets - Official Album Covers (High Resolution versions)
You can download high resolution album covers from our Electronic Press Kit, available under the "Press" section on this website or at www.fluffyjackets.co.uk